Nov 14, 2009

Talks Dan Gilbert

Getting persuasion skills
 Why are we happy?

 On our mistaken expectations

Commercial: Discovery Channel - The World Is Just Awesome

Commercial Classification: Creativity: 3 ; Will to watch: 4 ; Empathy for the brand: 4

Commercial: An "Intel Star" - Sponsors of Tomorrow

Commercial classification: Creativity: 4 ; Will to buy: 3,5 ; Empathy for the Brand: 4

Subaru: Crowd Rider

Creativity: 3 ; Will to buy: 3,5 ; Empathy for the Brand: 4

Commercial: Liaison lingerie

Comercial Classification(1 to 5): Creativity: 3,5 ; Will to buy: 3,5 ; Empathy for the Brand: 3,5

Commercial: Darwin's Brave New World : Dangerous Ideas

Commercial classification: Creativity: 4 ; Will to Watch: 3,5 ; Empathy to the Brand: $
human electricity conductor

Bike Jump



Nov 13, 2009

Commercial: Verizon - Island of Misfit Toys

Creativity: 3,5 ; Will to buy: 3,5 ; Empathy for the Brand: 3,5

Commercial: Johnny Walker Whisky : Mirror

Commercial Classification: Creativity: 3,5; Will to buy (drink): 3,5 ; Empathy for the Brand: 4

Toyota : Hybrid Synergy Drive - Better Together

Creativity: 4 ; Will to buy: 3 ; Empathy for the Brand: 3

Volkswagen Polo - Rumour

 Creativity: 3,5 ; Will to buy: 3 ; Empathy for the brand: 3

Nokia : Nokia N900 - Focus Group

Creativity: 4 ; Will to buy: 3,5 ; Empathy for the brand: 3,5

Movember - Grow your mostauche

Creativity: 4 ; Will to buy (grow): 4,5 ; Empathy for the Brand (cause): 5

Nov 12, 2009

Brandchannel | Reebok Easy Tone Campaign Easy To Mock, Tone Deaf

Brandchannel | Reebok Easy Tone Campaign Easy To Mock, Tone Deaf

This campaign puts me salivating because the perfect toned bodies that Reebok puts in their adds. In my opinion this is good strategy by Reebok this campaign will attract women because their desire for the perfect body and men will offer this tennis because they want their wife/girlfriend have the perfect bodies retracted in the add.

Brandchannel | New Toyota Flowers: Greenwashing Meets Joywashing At Prius Plant

Brandchannel | New Toyota Flowers: Greenwashing Meets Joywashing At Prius Plant

The new bet by Toyota to create differentiation in the consumers mind, and to fight the new competitors the electrics cars by strengthen the brand.

Nov 9, 2009

Winning Streak: 3 stars

Creativity: 4; Will to buy: 3,5; Empathy for the brand: 4

TG4 - Session

Creativity: 4,5 ; Will to watch: 4 ; Empathy for the brand: 4

Fun Run

Creativity: 3 Will to buy (participate): 4 ; Empathy for the brand: 3

What is the run for?!

Meteor : Genie Movie

Creativity: 3 ; Will to buy: 2; Empathy for the Brand: 2

What more irritating commercial. It's like an annoying Meteor crashed in my head.

Nov 7, 2009

Brandchannel | New Brand Taglines More Innovative, May Surprise You

Brandchannel | New Brand Taglines More Innovative, May Surprise You

Bavaria: The Drop

Creativity: 4 ; Will to buy (drink): 3 ; Empathy for the brand: 2

 You thrive for your dream, do impossible things to end your life in a dog mouth. Do you really want to put that image in peoples mind when we are facing a trust crisis. Now it's not the time for a "survival of the fittest" add.

Topline Kiss: The kiss

Creativity: 3,5 ; Will to buy; 3,5 ; Empathy for the brand: 3

Guiness: World

Creativity: 4 ; Will to buy (drink): 4,5 ; Empathy for the brand: 4,5

Nov 6, 2009

Argos 'Together' advert

Creativity: 3 ; Will to buy: 3 ; Empathy for the brand: 3

World's Fastest Nudist (montage)

Creativity: 4,5 ; Will to buy: 3,5 ; Empathy for the brand: 4

Daffy's: Fitting Dance

 Creativity: 4 ; Will to buy; 3,5 Empathy for the Brand: 4

Hecq Vs Exillion ''Spheres Of Fury''

Toyota Prius: iPhone App Times Square Stunt - Cat: Creativity and Technology - Creativity Online

Toyota Prius: iPhone App Times Square Stunt - Cat: Creativity and Technology - Creativity Online

Burger King: BK Dollar Menu Banner - Cat: Creativity and Technology - Creativity Online

Burger King: BK Dollar Menu Banner - Cat: Creativity and Technology - Creativity Online

Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2010 —

Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2010 —

Nov 2, 2009

Weetabix : Steeplechase

Creativity: 4 ; Will to buy: 3 ; Empathy for the brand: 3

Eat Weetabix and you will become a freak!!!!