Aug 29, 2015

Social Media - Calendar Checklist

In the previous post we gave you a content marketing tool-belt, and now that you have the Batman utility tool equipped, you need to have develop a plan. 
A plan to known when and where it is the best time to "strike" your consumer and which tool is the most effective. 
Like Batman a social media manager needs to be alert, needs to know when and what type of social media the consumer is using to be more effective. 
A not easy task to perform, to help with your daily tasks Kevan Lee wrote an article on Business 2 Community where he shares his routine and gives advice about how to do the humongous tasks that a social media manager has to do. He shares his daily. weekly, monthly tasks and respective checklist to not to lost track, with some industry insights to sustain his checklist.
So Superheroes of social media I share with your a resume of the article but I recommend reading the same for more details

The Social Media CheckLists:

Choose your time to "Strike":

How to efficiently "Strike":

Listen to Alfred Advice's before Strike:

And Set your mission objectives:

  1. S.M.A.R.T
  2. Locke and Latham’s
  3. OKRs
  4. BSQ
  5. BHAG
  6. Growth Hacker goal-setting
  7. Intriguing metric

Other Solutions:

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