Oct 19, 2011

Real Steel BULL Product Placement

Real Steel is overloaded with product placement which difficult a lot the associations desired by the brands with the movie Real Steel. I understand the urge to be part of a new big hit movie trend like Real Steel, but by clogging the movie with product placement it's most likely to the watcher/consumer to not make any brand associations with Real Steel after watching the movie.
By now the brand marketeers should already know that the consumer is obscenely bombarded everyday with brand messages, why the hell did they also do that in Real Steel product placement!

And it's not just me:

"The tear-jerking in Real Steel is as shameless as its product placement." - Rolling Stone

"Loaded with enough product placement to make Jerry Lewis proud." - Hollywood Reporter

"Couldn't someone have called time on the over-the-top product placement that clogs up the finale?" - CNN

"Embellished with flagrant product placement for Dr. Pepper." - The New York Times

"Like the high-fructose-laced soda given front-and-center product placement, this underdog sports story is sweet and corny" - Variety

"Real Steel was actually pretty fun. And it's good to see that there will still be plenty of gratuitous product placement in the future." - Twitter user @nicknadel

This Real Steel product placement is BULL! 

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